1766 Karl Joseph Riepp Heilig-Geist Organ

Benedictine Abbey of Ottobeuren/Germany, Unter-Allgäu


Short Introduction and History

The smaller Holy Ghost organ and the large Holy Trinity organ of the Benedictine Abbey of Ottobeuren/Unterallgäu, founded in 764, are the only surviving instruments built by Karl Joseph Riepp and are both almost completely original. Due to their construction, quality craftsmanship and especially unique architecture and sound, they are an extremely important part of our international organ heritage.

They combine French and Southern German sound ideals and can be regarded as timeless organ treasures. The Rococo Holy Ghost organ is more Southern German orientated while the large Holy Trinity organ has a more typical French character.

Riepp’s organ building style is characterized by numerous warm and full sounding foundation stops, partially lower pitched mixtures, powerful reeds with full resonator lengths, aliquots and cornets with wide scales and beautiful flutes. Exceptional is how well all of the stops blend together.

The Rococo basilica has a reverberation time up to 6 seconds.

Recording Technique

The instrument was recorded in September 2014 at 48 kHz, 24-bit, in multichannel technology and initially released as a stereo version.
In 2023, the set was completely recreated as a surround version with variable room acoustics.
All registers were recorded with multiple release levels for short, medium and long attack times for an optimal reproduction of the acoustics. All stops were also recorded with the original tremulant (no simulation!)

See Location in Googlemaps


Special thanks are due to Abbot Johannes Schaber OSB and titular organist Josef Miltschitzky for granting permission to record both Riepp organs and organ builder Weber for his patient work on re-tuning the reed stop and mixtures, as well as smaller ad hoc repairs.

Virtual Console



Hauptwerk  (C–d3)*

01. Copel 16
02. Principal 8
03. Copel 8
04. Flauta 8
05. Gamba 8
06. Salicet 8
07. Octav 4
08. Flet 4
09. Doublet 2
10. Mixtur 4f
11. Cimbal 3f
12. Cromorn 8

Brüstungs-Positiv (C–d3)*

01. Copel 8
02. Flauta 8
03. Prestant 4
04. Flet 4
05. Quint 3
06. Doublet 2
07. Mixtur 4f
08. Cornet 3f (from g0)
09. Schalmey 8

Pedal (C-c1)*

01. Principal 16
02. Copel 16
03. Flauta 8
04. Flet 4
05. Quint 3
06. Fagot 8


POS-HW (Shift Coupler)


Tremolo dous (Tremulant for the Positiv)

* Switchable compass extension: Manuals C–f3, Pedal C–f1

Pitch and Temperament

Slightly non-equal temperament, a1= 422 Hz


Loaded Version

Memory Requirements 3)

Processor Speed 2)

16-bit, compressed 1), 4-channel

7.3 GByte ≥ 3 GHz QuadCore 2)

20-bit, compressed, 4-channel

11.5 GByte

≥ 3 GHz QuadCore 2)

24-bit, compressed, 4-channel 14.1 GByte ≥ 3 GHz QuadCore 2)

Lossless compression (no loss of sound quality!)

Recommended: Minimal Configuration: Dual-Core, 16 GByte RAM, optimal Configuration: QuadCore, 32 GByte RAM

3) To load this organ into Hauptwerk you will need enough free memory in your computer, due to the amount of playable stops, not including the operating system or any other programs that may be running!

We recommend a professional audio card (e.g. RME-Series) and a studio headphone (e.g. AKG Reference Headphone K701, K712) for optimal sound and room impression.


The following demo pieces were recorded with the Hauptwerk Advanced Edition software and the virtual organ sample set, with no additional effects processing.

Live recordings can be found on the ConcertHall Website
(Advanced Search, Organ: OAM - Riepp Heilig-Geist Organ)



Markus Weyand, D:

J.S. Bach: Aria F-Dur, BWV 587 | 03:17 min |
G. Muffat: Passacaglia | 10:21 min |
J.L. Krebs: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern | 03:18 min |
W.A. Mozart: Kirchensonate C-Dur (arranged for organ) | 05:29 min |
J. Haydn: Marche D-Dur - Flötenuhr 1793 (Hob. XIX) | 01:44 min |

Andreas Mattes, D:

J.S. Bach: "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr", BWV 663 | 07:17 min |
Hauptwerk: Copel 8', Flauta 8', Gamba 8', Salicet 8'
Brüstungs-Positiv: Copel 8', Vox humana 8'
Pedal: Copel 16' Flauta 8'

Justin Heinrich Knecht: Kleines Hoboe-Concert | 05:26 min |

Edo Luynenburg, ES:

J.S. Bach: "Ich ruf' zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ", BWV 639 | 04:24 min |
C.P.E. Bach: "Sonate für Orgel I"  | 13:44 min |
(1) HW: Principal 8, Octave 4, Doublette 2, BR: Flauta 8, Flet 4
(2) HW: Flauta 8, BR: Flauta 8, Tremulant
(3) HW: Principal 8, Octave 4, Doublette 2, Cimbel, BR : Flauta 8, Prestant 4, Doublette, Ped: Copel 16', Flauta 8
        Repeat: HW: + mixtuur, BR: + Cornet
        Second part: HW: + Copel 16, BR: -Cornet, + Mixtuur, Ped: + Flet 4

Johann Ernst Bach: "Fantasie und Fuge F-Dur"  | 08:16 min |

Wilfried Schnetzler, CH:

Johann Pachelbel: Partita "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" | 11:21 min |

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No demo sounds may be used or transmitted in any form for public purposes without the prior written permission of the publisher!

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